They recovered an invaluable book from 1735 along with other works

The case arose as a result of an alert issued by the Ministry of Culture to the nation for the theft of assets belonging to the cultural heritage of the Republic of Peru.

National Economic Criminal Court No. 8, responsible for Dr. Gustavo Mirovic, has ordered the Money Laundering and Customs Crimes Division to carry out a series of investigation missions to find the book.

Investigators found a post on a website selling new and used books that was offered for more than 3,000 euros. The seller presented it as an old book in excellent condition and antique features and described it as “one of the few great American holiday books, whose author, the Franciscan friar Pedro Rodriguez Guillen, describes in detail the joyous festivities held in Lima for the canonization of San Francisco Solano.”

With this information, coordination was made with the authorization of the judge, to contact the seller to find out the authenticity of the copy. The court, after confirming it as the stolen property, ordered a search of the home located in the Recoleta neighborhood.

In this procedure, the requested copy was retrieved and they also found a large number of books and manuscripts dating back to the sixteenth century, all from Peru, France, Spain, Mexico and Argentina.

For this reason, the judge decided to extend the procedure ordering the closure of the place and the confiscation of all the materials found: 109 historical documents from Argentina, 72 books and 42 manuscripts from Peru, Mexico, Italy and France.


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Freddie Dawson

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