The United Kingdom has extended its control over the maritime area of ​​the Malvinas Islands A new British provocation

United kingdom It decided unilaterally to extend its control over the maritime areas of the Malvinas Islands, where navigation and fishing were prohibited. This means 166,000 square kilometers will be added to the 283,000 square kilometers that were already governed by exclusion, after British authorities in 2012 imposed the creation of a marine protected area (MPA). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet announced the complaint letter.

“These types of decisions are reprehensible for three central reasons: they violate the prohibition of unilateral acts in the question of the Malvinas Islands in accordance with General Assembly resolution 31/49, and they violate the United Kingdom’s obligations under the Malvinas Islands Conservation Convention.” He explained that Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) puts into practice the use of measures that are supposedly linked to the conservation and protection of the environment for geopolitical purposes. PageI12 Guillermo Carmona, former Secretary of the Malvinas Islands, Antarctica and South Atlantic of the Argentine nation during the presidency of Alberto Fernández.

In 2011, the British authorities announced the establishment of a marine protected area with an area of ​​​​more than 1,200,000 square kilometers of sea. The initiative was immediately rejected at the time by the Argentine government because it was a “provocative act” undertaken unilaterally, and in its claim it indicated that it was advancing in waters subject to the rules agreed in the Convention for the Conservation of Marine Living Organisms. Resources: Antarctica (CCAMLR). Of that oceanic area, there were 283,000 km2 governed by the exclusion of navigation and fishing, representing 23 percent of the maritime area of ​​the Malvinas Islands, to which 166,000 km2 were added with the latest expansion announced on February 26, leaving 36 percent of the area under its control.

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Under the pretext of preserving the marine environment, the British are not only ignoring Argentina's sovereign rights, but are also violating the rules of the Antarctic Marine Conservation Commission, of which more than thirty countries claiming sovereignty over Antarctica are part, deepening the conflict. The agreement was formed with the aim of preserving the region through coordination and agreement on common rules for its members.

At the time of writing this report, the Foreign Office had not announced this allegation to the British authorities.

Freddie Dawson

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