The Sustainable Science Fair gathers more than 3,000 people on the Miguel Delibes Campus

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Last Saturday, May 21, the University of Valladolid gathered 3000 people In the fourth edition of the UVa Sustainable Science Fair, the largest free science event for all audiences hosted Miguel Delibes Campus, University of Valladolid.

The initiative, coordinated by the UVa Science Park, held 22 four-hour workshops, 12 interactive spaces and displays with a capacity of 300 seats.

Interactive spaces, with continuous passes, become 12 points to experience science and technology. Many are coordinated by members of the UVa community, such as the PROCEREALtech Research Group, University Astronomy Group, UVa Institute of Applied Ophthalmic Biology (IOBA), University Students Association of Physics, UVa’s Office of Environmental Quality, Atmospheric Optics Group of UVa, and the Scientific Culture Unit The innovation and science park at UVa.

A total of 460 schoolchildren attended 22 exhibition workshops, many of which were also coordinated by members of the UVa community. Thus, the College of Industrial Engineering coordinated “Pequeñ @ s ingenier @ s” and “Ingenier @ s por un día”, while the UVa Chemistry Student Association and Science Park successfully held “Enjoyable Chemistry” and “Microscientist”. For her part, a researcher in optics from the Faculty of Science, Maria Teresa Belmonte, carried out a workshop titled “A World of Color” and the University of Physics Student Association held “Science for Hackers”.

In addition, Aula Magna hung in the auditorium of the Faculty of Science a “complete” mark for the show “Heroes of Science and Their Heroines” Where 300 people enjoyed the presentation of an entertaining team of scientists who reviewed the great milestones in science that contributed to the development of the world and its technologies.

The fourth edition of the Sustainable Science Fair is a new success for UVa, an organization committed to the dissemination of science and its research activities. This event was made possible thanks to the participation of the Miguel Delibes Campus and the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Communications Engineering, the Faculty of Computer Engineering, the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, research groups, researchers, as well as all UVa departments needed to hold the exhibition.

PlanTCUE 2021-2023

The IV UVa Sustainable Science Fair is being held under the University-Company Knowledge Transfer (TCUE) Plan 2021-2023, an initiative of the Ministry of Education funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in accordance with the programme. Active in Castilla y León 2014-2020.

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The current TCUE plan, whose work is carried out by all Castilla y Léon universities, is built on three main pillars. One of them refers to the promotion of scientific culture and the dissemination of science among the citizens of Castilla y León. It is in this context that the UVa exhibition of sustainable sciences is being held, the program can be viewed and downloaded from the website

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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