The new open world game from the creators of Days Gone promises multiplayer elementsعناصر

A work presentation hints at Bend Studios’ upcoming project, about which few details are known.

Much has been said about the game studio bend, the team responsible for Days gone by. The team confirmed it From PlayStation refused the possibility of a sequelWhich led to the exit of the main creators. Now, we know new details about his next work, although we still don’t know what it is about, we can say that it will have multiplayer elements; side of adventures Deacon Saint John.

At the moment, there are no names or clues about the new Bend StudioThe study was developed New AAA license hinted that it will have open world elements. now Job offer From Bend Studio, he explains that they are looking for a “senior network programmer for the next high-level AAA console title.” In the presentation they indicate that you should be familiar with the programming that supports network problems and Multiplayer Engine Design and Engineering, among other requirements.

Bend Studio’s plans included adding a collaboration to Days Gone 2, so they may have carried that idea over to their new project. Hermann Holst, Director of PlayStation Studios, a few weeks ago that the project would build on the technology and features they developed the original Days Gone.

Now we just have to wait for an official announcement of some sort. So far, we only know from Holst’s words that “Bend Studio is working on a very exciting new IP and they are very excited about it.” When will it be presented? We don’t have an answer, but we tell you all about it port de Days Gone en PC.

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More about: Days gone by s studio bend.

Lovell Loxley

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