The Navarre government supports the promotion of scientific culture in childhood and youth through the character of Santiago Ramón y Cajal

Director General of Innovation, Agurtzane Martínez, today attended Citizen Science with Cajal – Open Science, one of the activities funded by the ‘Cosmos 2022’ Call for Grants from the Navarre Government, in the Txantrea neighborhood of Pamplona. Citizen Science with Cajal is designed for children and young adults to approach science in an open, practical and experiential way, with the character of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, a Nobel laureate from Navarre.

This activity, in addition to contributing to the dissemination of scientific culture, discovers topics of a scientific and technical nature through an entertaining approach, which contributes to promoting STEM careers (from English, science, technology, engineering and mathematics) among children, which is one of the most important goals of the university department, innovation and digital transformation. This was appreciated by Martínez, who was accompanied by Juango Rubio, Director of the Unit for Social Innovation (UiS) in Navarra, the organizing entity of the activity.

Citizen Science with Cajal – Open Science started yesterday with a conversation with young scientists from Navarre about neuroscience and Cajal. Three workshops will take place throughout the day, focusing on scientific drawing, building a smartphone microscope, and staining plant and human cells for observation under the microscope. The day will conclude with a participatory neuroscience presentation. All activities are free, and only pre-engraving is required to participate in the workshops.

Citizen Science will arrive with Cajal tomorrow in Burlada and in October in Sangüesa.

Call for help “Cosmos 2022”

The University Administration, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Navarre Government decided last August to invite “Cosmos 2022”. Through this call, the various activities of 11 entities have been supported with a sum of €100,000, with the aim of increasing the scientific and technical knowledge of the Navarre community, disseminating the research, development and innovation projects implemented in Navarre and promoting student careers for STEM subjects, especially among women.

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Recipients of these scholarships are authorized Navarra R&D (SINAI) system agents, non-profit associations and organizations.

As new this year, in the framework of the promotion of scientific culture, the promotion and dissemination of the world figure Santiago Ramón y Cajal has been included, given that the Navarre government agreed to declare 2022 an important year for the promotion of the world’s legacy. Considered the father of neuroscience, on the 170th anniversary of his birth in the city of Navarra in Petilla de Aragon.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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