The government has formalized restrictions on flights to the United States, Europe, and Brazil – Telam

The measure was formalized by a letter that ANAC sent to the various airlines.

The government has formalized a 30-50% reduction in the frequency of flights to and from destinations in the United States, Europe, Mexico and Brazil, due to the coronavirus outbreak occurring in those countries.

The measure, which was anticipated over a month ago by the Minister of Transport, Mario Muni, was formalized through a letter sent by the National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC) to the airlines, at the request of the Ministry of Health.

According to aviation sources, reducing flights is just an official fact, because in some cases, due to the epidemic, a decrease in services has already occurred and in other cases, by decision of local health authorities such as those in some European countries, flights have been suspended as a result. Disease outbreak.

According to information received by airlines, to and from the United States, Europe and Mexico, the reduction in services will be 30 percent, while for regional flights with Brazil, the reduction will reach 50 percent.

The measure will go into effect on Wednesday the 27th, although its effective implementation, due to rescheduling of services, will be from Monday, February 1.

For the first three destinations the decrease in frequencies should be 30%; Meanwhile, commercial air travel with the neighboring country will suffer from 50% restrictions.

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As part of a visit to Bahia Blanca, Muni said that “the aim is to reduce the possibilities of entry of new strains into the country, allowing for precise control and daily monitoring of the number of passengers.”

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He added: “Today, more than 3000 passengers enter the country daily, and thus we will reduce this number significantly, and we will be within the limits of 2000 passengers per day from places where there are new strains.”

“This allows us to have 100 percent control over people entering Ezeiza airport through PCR analysis and thus be able to ensure that the new strain does not enter,” Mooney said.

He said, “Or if a sick person enters, he can be given the correct isolation so that he does not transfer this new strain to other sectors,” stressing that it is “the decision of the Ministry of Health that we adopt immediately.”

The decision will affect those passengers who have already purchased their tickets and who must now coordinate with the airline to amend them or request a refund.

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