The easiest way to make your Android run faster

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It doesn’t matter which browser you use on your phone Androidpile up unwanted files over time. If you leave these files unchecked, they can take anywhere from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes of storage space. Don’t just slow down You areu browser, but they can also effect The speed of your phone, but The solution is easy: delete Periodically discard files from your browsers.

How to clear cache of Android browsers

Each browser has different steps for delete the Cache and unwanted files. We cover most browsers Popular below.


Opens Browser, touch the button food menu Three points and go a register > Clear browsing data.

Make sure from this option Interval is set to “forever”. Then choose OptionsCookies and site data“YCached files and photostouchClear browsing data to undoe for all data saved.

Samsung Internet

As you see phone Samsung, you may be using the built-in browser. Opens Browser and Touch The food menu Three lines in the lower right corner. he goes a Adjust > personal information > Delete navigation data. Choose options”Cookies and site data“Y Cached files and photos. touchdelete data and confirm From the popup.

fire fox

touch the button food menu Three dots in the upper right corner and go a Adjust > Delete navigation data. Choose options”biscuit“Y Cached files and photos “. then playDelete navigation data“.

How to clear the cache of any Android app

What if you use a specialized browser Like Brave or Opera? seek Section register in Adjust And you will see Cucumber Delete unwanted files.

There is also a global option to scan Cache that works with Any app, including browsers, but don’t do it We recommend that you use for apps like tu bank manager or password while you are running Risk of losing important data: Unlock Application Adjust in you Android phone, go ahead a Apps and notifications (also Applications )> Information From the application and selection the application you want, then go to the section “Storage and cache and playClear cache. All temporary files will be deleted immediately.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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