The Department of Justice appeared in the case against Joe Louis in the United States | Report on business and contacts of the country's businessman

National Director for Promoting and Enhancing Access to Justice at the Ministry of Justice, Gabriella Carpenettisubmitted a report to the New York Attorney General's Office in the United States, with the aim of providing relevant information about the Pole's actions. Joe Louis In Argentina, as part of an investigation he faces for corrupt business practices, including financial fraud and insider trading.

According to the official, Luis's long business history in the country presents “serious legal and ethical objections” and adds to the references to contacts in Argentina who could have benefited from the leaks of confidential information he is accused of.

The report provides details about the judicial offers against the businessman in Argentina, in preparation for the case initiated by the Public Prosecutor Damian Williams Lewis must testify again in January 2024, after being released on $300 million bail. Furthermore, the letter points out continuity between suspicions of corruption in the country and the US investigation, which is why “a connection between the events is considered a serious possibility.”

Among other things, illegal land grabbing is included in Hidden lake obstructing their access; The trip of Buenos Aires city government officials, media businessmen and judges to his residence, including one of the judges who intervened in cases that concerned them and the subsequent falsification of invoices; All facts that would allow us to conclude a corruption conspiracy are related to the ongoing investigation. In his report, Carpenetti recommends investigating Luis's relationship with people and companies based in Argentina, as the North American file refers to a “friend” of the millionaire “with whom he sometimes played poker in Argentina.” Influence peddling, gifts, incompatible negotiations, bribery and abuse of power are, as mentioned, crimes included in international treaties that countries sign.

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“While in the United States the persecution of economic crimes, and the crime of fraud against the State and evaders, is the policy of the State; Here we see the opposite. Judges, politicians and businessmen are moving around with information, rulings and gifts to seize natural and economic assets that belong to all Argentines, Carpenetti said.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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