The 28th edition of Prociencia Women in Science . will be held

Women in Science will be the subject of the 28th Prosencia, which will take place from April 26-29 and take place both at the Poggio Poggio Museum of Fine Arts and in the Silos del Sur Park. There are still places for schools to participate and registration can be made on the Cielos del Sur Park website.

The show was presented a few days ago in the presence of the Minister of Culture and Education, Adrien Villa, along with the coordinator of Parque Silos del Sur, Armando Zandanil, who announced that there will be talks, workshops and exhibitions of photography.

Similarly, during the conference, a book by Professor Zandanil Parque Silos del Sur will be presented. Script and Tool, by Chivilcoy Publishing.

Villa said that there will be talks, workshops and photography exhibitions over the four days to develop the initiative, which seeks to bring young people closer to science.

Similarly, Zandaniel noted that this year’s theme is to highlight the contributions of women scientists and encourage the study of science, which is why we selected 36 women from different countries. The image of each image will contain the basic data and a QR, which, when scanned with a cell phone, will allow to know the details of the life and work of the world that appears in the image.

Throughout history, not all women devoted to science have received the recognition they deserve. The exception to the rule is Marie Curie, and her discoveries were not attributed to the rest, which is why they were not awarded the Nobel Prize either, she asserted, and the point is to show our young women that they too can study. Astronomy, physics, biology, geology, chemistry or whatever.

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Subsequently, he reported that the main speakers for the activities, in principle, would be the anthropologist Alejandra Roca, the astronomer Gloria Dubner. Anthropologist Anna Igreta and science communicator Claudio Sanchez, who are joined by local masters with long histories.

We will also take the opportunity to present a book by my authors, Parque Cielos del Sur, which is a theater and an instrument. It is to tell the Chivilcoyans that this park is public, and can be used freely for teaching. In this text, I give ideas on how to work before and after visiting this scenario, striving to extend the classroom into the park and vice versa.

If this works, the park will take on a different dynamic, always be occupied by students and teachers, and take on the pedagogical role we had in mind in 1995, Zandaniel said.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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