Symptoms, prevention and advice of pediatricians about childhood acute hepatitis of unknown origin

“Often we have cases of hepatitis for unknown reasons, but What is remarkable in the current situation is that there are many cases in a short time and in the same geographical referencePediatrician and former president of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics (SAP) Omar Tabako, said about Increase in the world of some type of hepatitis acute of unknown origin Yesterday, the first case was discovered in the country.

As the specialist explained, hepatitis is an acute inflammation of the liver that can occur for three reasons: infectious causes, mainly viruses, toxic or metabolic causes. In childhood, hepatitis is most common contagious and Its symptoms are mainly gastrointestinal.

At first there may be abdominal pain, low temperature, and loose stools In general, after 48 hours, the patient develops what is called jaundice, which is a yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes. This is caused by the deposition of a substance called bilirubin that the liver, when exposed to inflammation, cannot shed in the intestine. Jaundice is the most specific clinical feature of hepatitisTobacco said.

Along the same lines, pediatrician and gastroenterologist Daniel D’Agostino said: “What sets the adenovirus apart is that it presents itself as a very gastrointestinal virus. Patients begin with abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and/or fever, but in a very nonspecific way. Until then it can be any virus, but on the second or third day jaundice begins. When the boy becomes more and more yellow and the inflammation increases, it is necessary to consult a hepatologist“, handle.

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Yesterday, the National Ministry of Health confirmed that an eight-year-old boy from Rosario is The first Argentine case Of this type of hepatitis, which mainly broke out in Great Britain.

These cases, about which the World Health Organization issued an alert on April 15, mainly occur in Great Britain. By that time they had detected 172 cases with a Very aggressive development of the virus To the liver, 10% would require transplants without detecting any of the usual viruses generating hepatitis, toxic or metabolic causes. In some of these patients, adenovirusesas follows: F41, and It is striking because it is usually a virus that produces milder respiratory or digestive symptoms and has no hepatotoxicity.Tobacco Hafez.

Angela Gentile, head of epidemiology at the Ricardo Gutierrez Children’s Hospital, noted that adenovirus 41 has been implicated in some cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origin, but not at all. That’s why we still can’t assume that all cases of idiopathic hepatitis are adenoviruses, he said. “in Argentina All samples sent to the Malbrán Institute so far have tested negative for adenoviruscytomegalovirus and hepatitis A, B, C, D and E, which are the well-known viruses.

Tobacco explained it Community prevention focuses on gastrointestinal hygiene, respiratory hygiene, and having complete vaccination schedules: “Viruses that can inflame the liver enter through the respiratory or digestive system, so prevention today is, on the digestive side, washing hands frequently, proper handling of food and maintaining the cold food chain. On the respiratory side, the same care we give For Covid: ventilation, use of a mask. And of course having a full vaccination schedule.”

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We have to make hand washing a very straightforward routine. You should wash it at least every two hours.. And again, the chin strap is a very important component when there are respiratory symptoms. D’Agostino, a SAP member, said washing bathrooms and kitchen utensils well and using boiling water are also essential precautions.

“It is very important for parents to be clear that children should get the full vaccination schedule against hepatitis, both A and B,” summarizes Gentile.

As of May 1, 228 cases have been recorded in 209 countries, WHO spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic said, meanwhile, “50 more cases are being investigated”. To these cases is now added the case of Argentina.

In the country, only hepatitis A and B viruses can be prevented with vaccines. The hepatitis B vaccine is already placed in the delivery room at the time of delivery and the schedule is complete a year later. For virus A, the vaccine is instituted at one year of age. With this, fortunately, the incidence of childhood hepatitis has decreased significantly. Before, we used to see many consultations to diagnose hepatitis, but today it is rare thanks to vaccinations,” Tabacco said.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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