Sources said President Trump discussed the possibility of pardoning family members

President Donald Trump He was discussing the possibility of pardoning his family and some close to him, multiple sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

One source said the conversations in recent days were in the context of a president feeling upset, not because Trump believed he or any of his family members had committed anything illegal.

The New York Times reported for the first time Discussions said Trump had spoken of whether to issue a preemptive pardon for his three eldest children, Eric and Donald Jr., and White House advisor Ivanka Trump. Also mentioned is his son-in-law, Jared Kushner and attorney Rudy Giuliani.

The Times reported that Trump spoke with Giuliani about pardoning him recently last week.

Giuliani denied this to NBC News, describing it as a “lie”, adding that the reports were “completely false.”

The White House didn’t distance Commented. However, late Tuesday Trump chirp: The achievement of amnesty is false news!

Trump did not admit to losing him The November presidential election for president-elect Joe Biden, He and Giuliani continued to make a mistake Baseless allegations That the elections were rigged. Allegations lack any evidence, and legal efforts have been damaged Frequent setbacks.

Trump last week Granting a “full pardon” To his former National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, Who pleaded guilty twice to lying to the FBI. The move had long been anticipated after Trump said in March that,Think hardPardon Flynn.

In July, President Trump commuted his former campaign aide’s prison sentence Roger Stone, Who was convicted Blocking a Congressional investigation From interference in the 2016 Russian presidential election.

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A person familiar with the matter said there was a lot of attention being paid to the amnesty generally in the final weeks of the Trump administration, and that the president appeared receptive to granting it.

Earlier on Tuesday, court documents were revealed by a judge indicating that federal investigators were looking into what was described as possible.Bribery in exchange for amnesty“Scheme that includes a presidential pardon.

The heavily revised documents do not name Trump or the individuals involved. Nor does it indicate whether White House officials were aware of any plot.

Phil Helsell Contributed.

Sacha Woodward

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