Since 2020, the government has already paid more than $25 billion in interest on the public debt

The number corresponds to debt interest that was paid in pesos and dollars. Of the total, about $5,069 million was paid to the International Monetary Fund and the remainder to multilateral organizations and private debtors, according to OPC.

During the current government, interest on public debt equivalent to 25.051 million US dollars in pesos and foreign currencies has been cancelled5,069 million of which were paid to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the remainder to multilateral organizations and private debtors, according to Congressional Budget Office (OPC) data.

In the first four-month period, interest of 3276 million US dollars was paidOf that, $695 million corresponds to cancellations with the IMF, and another $2,160 million remains this year, a number that could increase if the agency makes advance payments, according to the report.

In 2020, interest payments amounted to 8,043 million US dollarsof which $1,994 million was paid to multilateral organizations and $1,306 million to an IMF stand-by loan.

after one yearAccording to the OPC report, The cancellations totaled US$6,103 millionof which $1,969 million was paid to multilateral organizations and another $1,347 million to the International Monetary Fund.

while, Last year 7,629 million US dollars were paid Of this total, $2,545 million was allocated to multilateral organizations and another $1,721 to the International Monetary Fund.

Thus, between January 2020 and April 2023, interest payments totaled $25,051 million, despite debt restructuring and swaps.

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OPC estimated that the interest account with the IMF this year will exceed $2.8 billion, compared to $1.721 billion in 2022.

Freddie Dawson

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