Sheinbaum wins the election and Morena takes control of Congress

Mexico Elections 2024: Who won the most Senators, Representatives and Governors

Presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum (center) and prime ministerial candidate Clara Brugada (left) celebrate the results of the general election at the Zocalo in Mexico City, June 3, 2024. (Photo by Carl de Souza/AFP) (Photo by Carl de Souza/AFP) AFP via Getty Images)

Morena has positioned herself as a major political force in Mexico: she was able to remain in power with Claudia Sheinbaum's victory as president, and she also maintained a majority in Congress after the June 2 elections. Moreover, the party, founded by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, with its allies, went from controlling five states in 2018 to ruling 24 states after the 2024 elections.

Here we review who won the most gubernatorial positions and how the Mexican Congress was formed after knowing the preliminary results issued by the National Electoral Institute (INE).

Morena and its allies control 7 of the nine disputed state governments

The coalition led by the ruling Morena Party won Mexico City again, renewed the governments of five states and took a state from the opposition in the 2024 elections, according to the official results of the Preliminary Election Results Program (PREP) and the rapid count.

Together with his allies – the Workers' Party (PT) and the Mexican Green Environment Party (PVEM) – Morena swept the state of Chiapas, where Eduardo Ramírez emerged as the winner after receiving between 79.8 and 82.6% of the votes. In Tabasco, the victory was also resounding after Javier May managed to reach between 78.5 and 83% of the votes, according to the rapid count of the local electoral body. Morelos, Puebla and Veracruz candidates in Morelos, Puebla and Veracruz maintain control with 50% of the vote.

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In the country's capital, Clara Brugada, a Morinista, received between 49 and 52.8% of the votes, beating her main opponent Santiago Taboada, who received between 37.2 and 40.5%, the Mexico City Electoral Institute reported during a plenary session.

The ruling party wrested the governorship of Yucatán from the National Action Party led by Morenista Joaquín Díaz Mina after receiving between 46.5 and 51.6% of the votes, the local electoral institute reported.

Only the opposition coalition of the National Action, Institutional Revolution and Democratic Revolution parties won the governorship of Guanajuato state, the main stronghold of the National Action Party, with Libya García Muñoz Ledo emerging as the winner. Between 49.9 and 52.6% of the votes.

The only entity that the Ciudadano movement will win is Jalisco, according to data from the local electoral institute. Jesús Pablo Lemos, the party's candidate, received between 42.5 and 45.1%.

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Freddie Dawson

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