Sharing a Netflix account is illegal in the UK

The practice of sharing a service-specific password flow Because Netflix is ​​against the law in the UK, according to the country’s Intellectual Property Office, which points out that from the start with this The contract has been breached acquired with the platform.

Netflix has long sought account sharing, which is the way a user pays for a subscription and gives access to it to other people close to them who share the costs with them. This is usually done with the premium plan, which allows simultaneous use of four devices.

But, according to Netflix’s own terms of use, only symbionts (for example, people who live together in the same house) can use the same account, so friends or family members staying at other addresses are not allowed to do so.

Apart from the rules of using the platform, the practice is also illegal in the UKas explained BBC Intellectual Property Office. And there are several reasons for this, both in civil law and in criminal law.

By the way penalthe authority cites breach of contract terms acquired with Netflix when accepting account creation, as well as “ Forgery or a secondary violation of Copyrightswhere other people are granted access to protected works without paying for them.

By the way civilthe office notes that it is the service itself that should take action if it detects account sharing.

Netflix, at least for now, Do not consider legal action in these cases. Yes, I’m starting to implement fewer options violentsuch as a new, affordable subscription plan with ads, the ability to transfer a profile to a new account, or charging fees additional to the owner for each additional member who uses it, as subaccounts.

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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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