Scientists managed to simulate a black hole in the lab, and it began to radiate – the Enseñame de Ciencia

Black holes are probably the most mysterious and extreme astronomical objects in the universe as a whole. These objects are so concentrated in mass, that they have a gravitational field so dense and wide that nothing escapes it once inside, not even light.

From the center of mass of the black hole, it begins to run around it, generating a speed so strong that it even exceeds the speed of light, and this threshold is known as the event horizon or event horizon, according to its English translation.

In 1974, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking proposed that the discontinuities in quantum fluctuations, caused by a black hole’s event horizon, have the result of a type of radiation very similar to thermal radiation, although the latter is not yet detectable. . We are talking about the so-called Hawking radiation.

Analog black holes, that’s what those scale experiments are called that are done in order to test the properties of a real black hole in controlled environments in laboratories.

For a few years now, controlled tests have been carried out to simulate black holes. On this occasion, a series of atoms placed in a line were used to simulate the event horizon, causing a reaction similar to the above-mentioned Hawking radiation, particles generated by the perturbation of a temporary change of energy at a particular point in space. ., due to a black hole in time and space. Although this is so weak that it cannot yet be detected.

Inside the laboratory, a kind of event horizon was created, which interfered with the nature of the electrons, and as a result, caused the increase in the temperature they were looking for, and was able to match the expectations that the scientists were looking for. , thus achieving the generation of Hawking radiation. The black hole, simulated inside this lab, resulted in a glowing glow. Instead of using sounds, the experts aligned a chain of atoms to generate a one-dimensional row, and the next step was to pass a stream of electrons through that chain and alter its properties to observe how the movement affects said electrons, according to the hypothetical journal. so interesting.

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The experiment helped confirm that quantum entanglement of atoms plays a fundamental role in the emission of Hawking radiation.

This could harmonize two branches of physics that are in conflict with each other. Over time, differences have arisen between different theoretical fields that try to explain the universe and how it works, among them the general theory of relativity, which explains the behavior of gravity as an infinite field, also called space-time. , and finding differences by studying quantum mechanics, this consists, through mathematics, of trying to explain the behavior of discrete particles. It is assumed that this latest discovery can help bring about peace between the two theories to create a single unified theory of quantum gravity, as stated in Science alert.

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