Science Minister Diana Morante sworn in

Journey Diana Morante In his new position at the head of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, after heading the department so far, Pedro Duque The wallet will be transferred.

The former mayor of Gandhi took office on Monday, declaring her commitment to strive to achieve Life Challenge How is that “Giving priority to science and innovation as a lever for Spain’s recovery, which is requiredstable political commitment“A great country agreement.” Thus, Morant plans to follow in Duque’s footsteps and “unify the social and political consensus in the Science and Innovation Pact.”

Another major task of public administration, he explained, is to avoid a “brain drain”. “hWe must be able to create opportunities, retain talent, and re-illust them.”, confirmed.

The new minister also wants to address Researchers and scientists At the opening ceremony: “Your talent and dedication are our most powerful tools. The pillar of our country’s renaissance,” he emphasized, before declaring his intention to Improving teamwork conditions and increasing their professional stability.

“Society is more and more dependent on science”

In her speech, the engineer also expressed her gratitude to the government, not only for their “confidence” in the appointment, but also for Contribute to highlighting the role of women Even in science. She recalls, in her commitment to continue working for a more just society: “A telecommunications student who was once alone in a prominent male classroom would thank her.”

“The ministerial chair cannot be far from the street.”

Morant promises to use his experience as a local leader, with a “Permanent Social Dialogue and the Collection of Diverse Views”, in this “jumping into another dimension” as part of the government’s team and at a “decisive moment” after the pandemic. In this sense, the Minister stresses that if there is one thing that has explained the Covid-19 crisis, it is “Science is the answer and vaccination is the first step to recovery.” And the majority of the Spanish people trust him, 83 percent.”

“Society is more and more dependent on science”Morant emphasized that he is convinced of the need to take advantage of “growing social support” and put innovation as an “urgent focus” in digital transformation.

Citizenship as a “direct interlocutor”

He stressed that “the pandemic earthquake has raised new questions that require new innovative, creative, sustainable and cooperative solutions,” stressing that his ministry intends to follow the strategic lines set by Duque in recent years, Increase resources and improve knowledge transfer toolsas well as improving interdepartmental cooperation.

And it will do so with the audience as a direct and daily interlocutor.” “The ministerial chair cannot be far from the street.”, because technology and research “are nothing but tools in serving their needs.”

Like Morant, his predecessor, Pedro Duque, ensures that this change comes at a “positive” time for science, as he has the “largest budget in history” and dedicates to this area “several resources of the European Recovery Fund”, which will help it become “A question of status with future projection”.

after bombing Achievements of this department Last year, a pandemic and an election in between, Duque wanted to wish the new minister “all the best” in gathering the scientific witness. “I hope you succeed in anchoring this entire program that has been developed and all the work we’ve done with the scientific and independent communities.”

Although it may contain statements, statements or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader be consulted on any health-related question with a healthcare professional.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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