Science allocates 42 million to promote research, innovation and talent

Sunday 3 December 2023 at 01:14

Yesterday in Avilés, accompanied by Council Mayor Marivi Montserrin, Minister of Science Borja Sánchez presented his department’s draft budget for next year, amounting to 430,735,806 euros. Sanchez detailed some of the main measures related to the scientific and technological field, which constitutes one of the main axes of the ministry. Thus, he highlighted that the budget includes more than $42 million for programs aimed at encouraging research, development and innovation in Asturias. Of this amount, about 22 are dedicated to talent programs and the implementation of research and innovation projects. The rest of the funds correspond to infrastructure funding, innovation centres, complementary schemes and other transport and specialization initiatives.

Items dedicated to promoting research careers and increasing scientific personnel, which include the Margarita Salas and Jovellanos talent programs; The Ramón y Cajal Stabilization Grant and the Severo Ochoa Predoctoral Fellowship total $12.2 million. Beyond the numbers, the chancellor noted that the emirate “wants to initiate a change in the governance model for an important part of science policy,” for which the new Sequences Agency for Science, commercial competitiveness and innovation is central. A key development is the implementation of a more flexible call assessment system, with a network of accredited external assessors.

In addition, calls related to research capacity and talent development will be annual, which will allow a research group or someone who does not have access one year to experience the following year. A new line in the research profession dedicated to industrial doctorates will be created, for which €100,000 has been reserved, with the aim of strengthening the training of doctors in companies through the implementation of industrial research projects.

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On the other hand, the Ministry maintains its commitment to innovation poles, complementary plans, and strategic cooperation programs between the public and private sectors, linked in some cases to funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism and the Just Transition Fund. In sum, the budget includes just over 14 million, the aim of which is to encourage research, development and innovation throughout the territory.

Key actions include the AgroCarrio (Laviana) project, on the use of old mining processes; The Valdés Innovation Centre, the Ciberreg project, the Scientific Expeditions Program and various lines of network and cluster projects.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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