Scary video of “Ghost” in the UK, selected as the best of the year

On December 12th, Susan Farnam in Upper Hillsdon
(Norwich, UK) They captured through their security cameras a strange figure circling their garden.

Robert Moore, an ophthalmologist from the English city, who is responsible for the study of UFOs and other objects, said the video was “interesting” and stated that it “deserves further study to determine its true nature”.

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According to some residents of the strip, before finding the various houses that were built, there was a brick company, in which the workers always used light bulbs on their heads, so many believe that the ghost may have been one of the workers of the place.

Parasitologist Becky Smith, on the other hand, asserts that this phenomenon has more ground rules, “I’m afraid I don’t think it’s a ghost. It baffles me why the shape looks like it’s bent in the middle, but not enough to make me think it’s something paranormal. It looks like someone put the phone down on his ear with the lamp on.”

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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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