Rose Hanbury’s risky plan makes Prince William shudder

I wrote in entertainment he

he Prince Guillermo He is one of the most respected people in the whole of the United Kingdom. However, recent rumors about him threaten his dignity and the future of the royal family.

The British monarchy has always been full of controversial figures. The transition from the current King Carlos to his son Enrique. However, the legitimate heir to the throne He seemed to be a serious and reasonable person.

he Prince Guillermo Having a bad time (Twitter)

over the years, Prince Guillermo He found love at the hands of Kate Middleton. The young couple was soon accepted by the British Crown and the two managed to create a much loved family.

Beyond that, the median last weeks world of music He issued the world premiere that the future King of the United Kingdom was having dinner with a woman who was not his wife, but Rose Hanbury.

Rose Hanbury was associated with Prince Guillermo. (Twitter)

For many of those who follow lives Prince Guillermo This name will sound familiar to you. This is because a few years ago some photos were leaked showing Rose and Prince In a rather special situation.

The truth is Rose Hanbury She was very close to Kate and the whole family, since her grandmother was a lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth, but since rumors started circulating, she has had almost no contact with anyone.

Rose was a family friend Prince Guillermo. (Twitter)

In the midst of this, what is remarkable is the way the UK press has dealt with the case, for they say practically nothing and dodge when asked about the case of Prince Guillermo.

What is remarkable is the way the British press dealt with the case

Some media outlets say the news is false, and since there is no evidence, they will not risk publishing it. On the other hand, there are those who say that there is an order not to talk about the subject anymore.

The press will defend Prince Guillermo. (Twitter)

Rose Hanbury can talk

So far, Rose Hanbury You did him a favor Prince GuillermoBecause she didn’t say anything about it. However, this may change in the coming weeks.

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It is in the next few days that the Houghton Hall mansion, where the aristocrat lives with her husband, will open its doors to the public. A special opportunity for the media to obtain information on women and their connection to Prince Guillermo.

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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