Remove moisture stains from walls with this simple cleaning trick

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During times of rain, humidity is usually noticeable, so today in this article we will present some of it Cleaning tricks To combat such a situation.

Of course, currently there are many ways to remove moisture from walls, but the method we will suggest is the most economical and effective.

How and what to remove moisture from walls

Before applying any Cleaning trickIt is important to have a pair of rubber gloves, 1 sponge, 2 tablespoons baking soda, and 1 hand sprayer on the counter. Then perform the following procedure:

  • Using a damp sponge, apply baking soda to the affected wall.
Moisture on the walls. Source: (Google).

It is important at this stage that you rub the area that contains moisture well until it disappears little by little.

  • Then, pour a tablespoon of baking soda and a large portion of warm water into the sprayer.
  • Apply the mixture in question to the affected area and rub it again using a sponge (preferably clean).

If the stain is very large or deep, repeat the process Cleaning trick At least twice a week until it disappears completely.

It should also be taken into account that the sponge must be rubbed gently so that the paint is not affected when doing this process.

Baking soda is one of my favorite cleaning agents. Source: (Google).

After it has been implemented Cleaning trick As mentioned earlier, the wall will be free of that moisture that has surely caused you so much concern.

Finally, you will have to ventilate properly so that the walls are not affected again moisture. If you don’t have windows, install exhaust fans.

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A sprayer is used to apply baking soda. Source: (Google).

According to specialists in the area, when applying Cleaning trick When carried out with baking soda, it will also be possible to use a dehumidifier to avoid dampness and mold.

Freddie Dawson

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