Recommendations to return to work face-to-face in the United States

With the vaccination plan underway and in the face of declining infections, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19, businesses and federal agencies are preparing to return to work head-on in the United States. Google, Apple, Microsoft, META (Facebook) and more They have indicated that they will require their employees to return to their offices at the end of March or in the early days of April.

On the other hand, federal agencies and offices that have been closed for two years will also attend in person. The White House said in a statement that the pandemic “no longer needs to dictate” how the federal government operates. “Federal agencies will set an example in increasing public office hours for appointments and in-person interactions in April.”The statement states.

It’s because of that We share some recommendations for safe returns.

Recommendations to return to work face-to-face in the United States

Although the outlook for the coronavirus is improving, It is necessary to continue health care and measures to prevent and reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace. Here are some recommendations:

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Always wear a mask if you or anyone in your household is immunocompromised

Mask use is an important public health tool to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It is important Make sure it fits perfectly On the nose, mouth and chin and make sure of it Air does not flow from the area near the eyes or from the sides of the mask.

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Clean and disinfect your workplace

Cleaning and disinfection reduces germs on surfaces by removing contaminants and reduces the risk of infection from surfaces. This procedure is highly recommended If it is an area with a large flow of people, it is poorly ventilated, and hand washing or hand sanitizer is not accessible.

Stay home and seek medical attention if you have symptoms of COVID-19

It is important to Seek medical attention or get tested for coronavirus. In the face of any symptoms, stay home and call your workplace and colleagues.

Take your temperature when you arrive at your workplace

When you arrive at your workplace, follow all health protocols such as taking your temperature.

Wash your hands and use antibacterial gel or sanitizer frequently

In addition to taking your temperature, this is important Wash your hands frequently and properly. If you are unable to wash your hands, you can also use an antibacterial or antiseptic gel.

here You can review workplace prevention strategies offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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