Raids against a far-right movement accused of “destabilizing” the state

Photo: AFP file

The German government on Thursday announced a raid on 20 homes belonging to far-right conspirators, suspected of seeking to “destabilize” the state’s administrative communications.

We are Accusedamong other accusations,After they tried to cut off channels of communication with the public authorities by contacting them selectively and collectively.” The Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office stated in a statement carried by Agence France-Presse.

The accused are suspected of belonging to the Reich Citizens’ MovementWhich brings together various groups of conspiracy theorists and right-wing extremists who do not recognize the legitimacy of German institutions.

Security forces They confiscated desktop computers, notebooks and mobile phones.

Raids were carried out In eight regions, it is part of the investigation that began in early 2021When police located several Telegram platform channels in which they traded.”“Typical conspiracy hypotheses and theories of citizens of the Reich,” the prosecution explained.

It was the main goal of “Destabilizing the Federal Republic of Germany and its public institutions And prevent, or at least complicate, the proper functioning of the work, as detailed in the same source.

The Reichsbürger (in German) Citizens’ Movement, a movement that has been in existence since the 1980s, has expanded with health restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

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