Punta del Este: The La Barra bridge is closed “until further notice” due to a broken linga

Residents of Punta del Este are in shock: one of La Barra’s bridges is closed “until further notice”. The information has been confirmed for Nation By sources from the Maldonado administration, who determined that the closure was caused by a fracture of one of the linings on either side. Thus, entry and exit via Route 10 was restricted to bridge number one.

As defined by this medium, the breakage is “caused by the passing of heavy trucks, and should be avoided.” “When the structure shook, one of the linguas exploded.”reassured someone close to the Fernandina municipality investigation.

La Barra Bridge has been closed until further notice by the authoritiesThe municipality of kindness Maldonado

The damaged bridge is the “new” bridge, which was completed in 2000. “This is Lionel Vieira bridge number two. For this reason, traffic is diverted by bridge number one,” Authorities warned.

The Maldonado management has now – for hours – deployed a team of experts to assess the damage to the structure of the legendary concrete platform. A team of experts from the National Ministry of Transport and Public Works is also scheduled to join the inspection of engineers headed by the Director General of Works, Dario Camacho. “They’ll be there in the next few hours.”they confirmed.

“The second bridge will remain closed and its opening will be evaluated according to the data contained in the results of the aforementioned inspection.”Experts warned.

On the enabled bridge, traffic was restricted to light vehicles only, striving to avoid a possible new breakage due to passing trucks. When asked how the big rounds of communication between Punta del Este and El Tesoro are made, the authorities specified: “You can hike and enter via San Carlos”.

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The bridge Lionel Vieira, known by many names – popularly, undulating – is one of the most famous and recognized not only in Punta del Este, but also in Uruguay.

The original road, opened in 1965, is the one that still connects La Barra with the peninsula’s neighbors. The platform stands on the Arroyo Maldonado Estuary, which receives a large number of local and foreign visitors every summer. The second bridge – now broken – was completed in 2000 and respects the architectural characteristics of the first bridge.

Freddie Dawson

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