President Trump will not be safe on Earth

the week

US officials are said to be particularly concerned that Russia is stealing plans to restart power outages in the United States

Publicly, US officials have said they do not believe that SVR has “penetrated” secret systems and stole communications and sensitive plans during an alleged cyber attack on what may be hundreds of networks in the United States, The New York Times reported. But in secret, according to the newspaper, those same officials say they are still not entirely sure what was or was not taken, and there are concerns that SVR – which the CIA and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo trust was behind the breach. Although President Trump has indicated that China may be involved rather than Moscow – it has managed to obtain accurate, albeit unclassified, information from victims such as the Federal Commission for Energy Regulation. For example, it is said that hackers could have accessed Black Start, which are the detailed technical blueprints for how the United States could regain power if there was a blackout. If this is indeed the case, then Russia would theoretically have a list of systems it could target to prevent the return of energy again, and the Times report sheds more light on the cyber attack, which may not be fully understood for months or even years. Some of the information disclosed includes the fact that the breach appears to have been more extensive in scope than was originally believed and that the hackers “managed their interference from servers within” the United States by “exploiting the legal embargo on the NSA.” Read more in the New York Times More stories from 5 funny, gratuitous cartoons about Trump’s disgraceful pardon America has always been dodging the vaccine launch 5 cartoons about the end of a very bad year

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Freddie Dawson

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