“Neurotechnology will allow us to mentally connect to the Internet and computers”

Rafael Yusti, one of the world’s most famous neurobiologists, Talk to ADN about neurotechnology and its potential implications for the future of humans.

“We are developing technologies using lab animals to be able to understand how the brain works, and also to make sense of it Helping patients with biological or psychological illnesses. Yuste commented about neurotechnology, it’s great that it’s helping humanity.

The scientist explained that this kind of revolutionary technology, in humans, is not very advanced at the moment.

“Immediately, We cannot decipher (people’s) thoughts and emotions. But we already do it in animals. What we do with a mouse today, we can do in a person tomorrowYuste noted.

Techniques that can be used for good or for evil

The neurobiologist, who also participated in the conference on the future, warns that The danger of this type of technology is that it is “used for economic or commercial purposes in the general population.”. He gave an example that companies use it to sell more products by making people “Go beyond the control we have over our decisions“.

Regarding the use of this technology for commercial purposes, the scientist explained that “since neurotechnology targets the brain, the effect comes from within, not from outside. So the person assumes it as his ownThis is the reason for the researcher’s assertion on this “The brain is untouched because it makes us who we are.”.

privacy ideas

Another advantage that comes to light with neurotechnology is that by using this type of technology it is possible to “extract information from the brain to sell it and You can end mental privacy, which is our last privacy: the privacy of our thoughts”, stated Rafael Yuste.

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“Everyone is interested in data privacy, but that’s more important. The BRAIN initiative, which aims to map the brain’s neurons and each of their intersections, said, ‘Ideas are something humans have always held as the core of their privacy,'” said the co-founder of the BRAIN initiative.

The future of neurotechnology

Regarding this type of technology, the Spanish scientist expects that in the future they will not only be able to record brain activity, but also change it. He warns: “At that moment we have stronger threats As external control over our thoughts and identity. This isn’t science fiction, it actually happens in animals.”

An example of the above, for Yuste, would be using these advances to “plant memories” or “control people’s visual perception.” “We actually did that in mice,” he explained.

The neuroscientist has argued that before or after 20 years, “We will have the neurotechnology that will allow us to mentally connect to the Internet and, in turn, to computers, which will improve our thinking“.

This is called mental or cognitive improvement. Therefore, one of the neurological advantages we advocate is equal access to redundant neurotechnologies.”