La Bamba seeks to “open” and launch an oncology center

The authorities of the Ministry of Health of La Pampa traveled to Buenos Aires to manage the progress of the Oncology Center file so that it could start operating. There was a positive reaction from the nation, although they appreciated that the matter would not be resolved in the short term.

“Within the framework of the meetings held with the Ministers of Health of the various provinces of the country, the head of the National Health Portfolio, Mario Russo, held a working meeting with his counterpart from the province of La Pampa, Mario Russo Cohan, with the aim of advancing the issues on the common agenda,” the national government officially announced.

During the meeting, Rousseau stressed, “At this stage, it is strategic to move forward with the provincial ministries to enhance our competencies and achieve tangible results. This is our role, in coordination with each jurisdiction, to determine priorities, with the aim of improving the health system.”

In the aforementioned statement, Cohan commented: “In La Pampa, we are working on an issue linked to the development of an oncology center with radiotherapy for the province,” while highlighting that “Minister Russo and his team highlighted the importance of La Pampa being able to obtain this center.” Which he needs a lot.

Move the file.

Sources from the Government House consulted by LA ARENA explained that the aim of the meeting was to ask for help to move forward with the file of the “Nation Center for Radiation Oncology”, a building that was reused during the Covid-19 pandemic and last year an agreement was signed with the nation to retrofit it.

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However, after the change in presidential administration, the process “slowed down due to bureaucracy” and the Ministry of Health needs to “release” the licenses so that it can complete the retrofit and installation of the equipment, which belongs to the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA). ). At the same time, due to the complexity of the center, other national organizations also intervene, so Health cannot intervene in the building without prior permission.

They stressed that “La Bamba continues to insist, based on its advocacy and conviction, on resolving this situation, but the matter does not depend on a boycott.” In any case, they acknowledged that there was a “positive” response from the nation and an interest in cooperation to accelerate the file.


Funding for the start-up of the center will be guaranteed by the regional executive, as it is a strategic goal of the administration of Governor Sergio Ziliuto. This is because the space will provide the residents of the Pampas region with high therapeutic efficacy in treating radiation oncology, through high medical technology and professional training. Rather, they are betting that it will be a reference in northern Patagonia, western Buenos Aires Province, southern Cordoba and Rio Negro Province.

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