Justin Trudeau will take action to guarantee the right to abortion in Canada

Toronto (Canada), May 11 (EFE). – Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, He announced this Wednesday that he wants to guarantee the right of women to do so Termination of pregnancy It cannot be restricted in the future.

Trudeau announced to reporters’ questions that the government will work to ensure the protection of women’s rights Canada And it is studying how to maintain it in the coming years.

Canada is looking for ways to protect this right, while in the United States it can be Supreme court limit or Abortion access must be abolished next month.

Canadian ministers healthAnd Jean-Yves Duclosand based on Women and gender equalityAnd Marcy InThis Wednesday I mentioned that the government will improve across the country Access to pregnancy termination services It will allocate 3.5 million Canadian dollars (2.7 million US dollars) to facilitate medical procedures.

This number is added to the millions of dollars he owns Health Canada granted in recent months to other programs that are improving access to miscarriage.

Duclos emphasized that the potential failure of Supreme Court of the United States On abortion shows that it is necessary to continue to advocate reproduction rights for women.

Although in Canada Abortion is not criminalizedSince 1988 a woman can terminate a pregnancy at any time, there is no legislation in this regard and access to services is so uneven that in some areas it is impossible to carry out the intervention.

For his part, Ean reiterated the commitment Trudeau government To facilitate the access of American women wishing to Canada Termination of pregnancy In the neighboring country if the Supreme Court overturned Abortion protection.

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Shortly before Duclos and Ien announced, those responsible for Alliance for Life campaign (CCV), one of the main Canadian organizations opposing women’s right to decide, held a press conference in front of Supreme Court of Canada, Before an anti-abortion rally tomorrow in Ottawa.

During the conference, CCV Director Jacques Fonseca accused Trudeau of being an “extreme miscarriage” and said the leak a little more than a week ago of the draft US Supreme Court ruling is cause for hope for him. a movement. EFE

Sacha Woodward

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