Javier Castillo broke the mark of two million books sold in Spain

Selling a million books in two and a half years. What, besides his first million copies achieved in November 2020, makes two million “huge” volumes in Spanish of his six novels. Last weekend the writer Javier Castillo traveled to Madrid and there he met an unexpected reception from his editor, Gonzalo Albert, and his team from Soma de Letras who told him that after the publication last February of his last film, El cuco de cristal’, the millionaire’s new frontiers had been reached. already occupied. Not counting the version in the other 17 languages ​​which the writer from Malaga has already read.

“This day I will never forget. His wife Veronica cheated on me in Madrid, and when I arrived, I found Gonzalo Albert and my whole family from Penguin Libros and Suma de Letras waiting for me to celebrate a whopping two million books sold in Spanish, “confessed the author of” The Day My Mind Lost ” and “Snow Girl,” which earned the distinction of seeing “2M” for that second record she had already featured on her resume. “Outrageous,” as Mijeño pointed out.

Since its publication just over three months ago, “El cuco de cristal”, presented in Malaga at the Aula de Cultura de SUR, has been #1 in the first week of various book sales lists in Spain and has not yet left this “Top Ten”. The book, propelled by the success of “The Snow Girl” adaptation on Netflix and the subsequent announcement that the recently published latest novel would also be brought to the screen by the North American multinational, has cemented its bestseller status. . For the author from Malaga who, before “El cuco…” reached the figure of 1.7 million volumes sold in Spain.

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His international numbers do not enter the new mark of two million, as his books have been published in over 60 countries and have just been released in English in the US. In addition, Castillo himself has passed through Italy and France in recent weeks to present his books, as well as pick up his first international prize, Prix Méditerranée 2023, for “La petite fille sous la neige,” the Gaelic translation of “La chica of the snow that made Romain Portolas.

17 other languages

“Two million books have been sold in Spanish, and I’m so lucky to have 17 more languages ​​added to it! No séqué le diría al Javi que escribía en el tren, o al Javi que escribía relatos y le daba vergüenza enseñarlos a su entorno, o como agradecerle al Javi que terminó El día that se perdió la cordura’ y se preguntó: ¿por no? He understood that the things you like most in the world are made by people just like you, ”the Malaga author, who never forgets his readers, to whom he dedicates his record and his work, emphasized on social networks:“ It makes me happy to think that behind these two million books there are two million unique moments It must be remembered while reading.

“I don’t know what to say to Jaffe who wrote on the train, or to Jaffe who wrote stories and was ashamed to see them around him.”

The novel ‘El cuco de cristal’ stars the young Dr. Cora Merlo who, on the first day of her residency in oncology, suffers a heart attack from which she wakes up with a new heart after a transplant. The prospect of meeting the deceased donor who brought her back to a young life drives her to travel from New York to the small town of Stillville, where the history of her rescuer’s family and the sudden disappearance of an infant awaits her.

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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