Jamaica insists on compensation for slavery during Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit

SAN JUAN, MARCH 23 The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge William and Catherine continue their visit to Jamaica on Wednesday, the day government representatives took advantage of the presence of members of the British royal family to insist on reparations for slavery. On Wednesday in St Andrew, a town near Kingston, Guillermo and Catalina visited Shortwood School, where they were greeted by Claudette Barrett, director of the institution, and Secretary of the Jamaican Department of Education, Maureen Dwyer. The Duchess’ elegance was highlighted by the local press on the visit, as she opted for a white suit with orange accents, while Prince William opted for a blue shirt and pants. Regardless of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s agenda for the day, William and Catherine’s visit to Jamaica has upset some residents of the Caribbean nation, who are demanding an apology and compensation for the damages they suffered as a colony. under British monarchy. Government focuses on reparations Jamaica’s Minister of Culture, Gender and Recreation Olivia Grange said that despite the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s visit to Jamaica, the government remained focused on achieving reparations for the Caribbean nation. Speaking to the press, Grange said the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s visit to Jamaica would not change their country’s approach to the injustices committed against their ancestors. “They are our guests and we will make them feel at home, but that will not take our focus away from the injustice done to our ancestors. We seek reparations and are focused on making it happen,” Grange stressed. Prince William and his wife Catherine visited Trenchtown, the Kingston neighborhood where reggae legend Bob Marley was born, shortly after landing in Jamaica on Tuesday, where they will visit the island for three days as part of the larger Caribbean. It coincides with the 70th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Applause for Guillermo During his visit to Trench Town, the biggest applause went for the future King of England when he went to a community football stadium with Jamaica-born Manchester City player Raheem Sterling, and Leon Bailey, of Aston Villa, both teams of the European nation’s main rivalry. Hours earlier, dozens of people gathered outside the British High Commission headquarters in Kingston to sing traditional songs while holding signs urging Britain to apologize for slavery. “There are historical errors and they need to be addressed,” said Rosalia Hamilton, one of the organizers of the rally that included 60 grounds for reparations. Royal visits to Caribbean countries are seen as an attempt by London to persuade other former British colonies, including Belize and the Bahamas, to remain territories under the British monarchy amid a growing territorial move toward the republic. Against severing ties with the royal family Political activist Karen Cross is among those who have spoken out against Jamaica’s severing of ties with the British monarchy. Cross has argued that both the royal family and the United Kingdom, whether they like it or not, are part of Jamaican culture. The Duke and Duchess’ visit to Belize is the first by a member of the British royal family since 2012, when Prince Harry traveled to the country as part of the silver jubilee of Elizabeth II. In addition to Belize and Jamaica, the Dukes will also visit the Bahamas for three more days. Belize, Jamaica, and the Bahamas were British colonies in the past, and despite their decades of independence, Elizabeth II still holds the head of state. EFE es / arm / cpy

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Terry Alexander

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