Irresponsible: He pretended to be a doctor and took care of people with coronavirus

alleged Fake doctor, 24 years old, was condemn By the government of the province of Cordoba, after the disclosure The alleged documents are fraudulent With what I practiced medicine At the Emergency Operations Center (COE) in the city of Cordoba Ru fourth, Under Coronavirus pandemic, It was officially reported today.

The provincial health department issued a statement confirming that on December 22 of last year, it learned that a male who was working as a volunteer at the Center of Excellence had Adulterated documents In order to perform Illegal practice of medicine.

He added that, for purposes of clarifying the situation, I put it away Immediately for all activities related to COE and the provincial health department, and proceeded with implementation Interview criminal complaint.

The official statement indicated that the complaint was filed in the Prosecution Office of the Third District, the first floor of the capital of Cordoba, attached to it in its entirety. documentation For a corresponding criminal investigation.

Was accused Rented Within the framework of inviting health professionals, To integrate teams affected by measures against Coronavirus.


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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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