How to install iOS 16.4 now and test all its new features on your iPhone beforehand

Do you want to try the latest version of Apple’s operating system, iOS 16.4, before the public version is released? We’ve already said it: barring surprises, in two or three weeks we’ll already have iOS 16.4 between us. but If you are not willing to wait And you want to analyze all the news before anyone else, here is a very quick explanation so that you can enjoy the trial versions in the safest way.

Its installation is official and in return you will be able to check out new features such as support for Safari notifications, new emojis and a few more related to the Books app or many new possibilities with “Shortcuts”.

How to install iOS 16.4 now

If you’ve read the odd complaint online, it’s important to remember that public beta versions of iOS don’t usually report serious system issues. However, they are known to sometimes lead to somewhat erratic behaviors, such as freezes and a certain drain on the battery resulting in less autonomy. Not intravenous We are talking about a beta version, not a final onewhich still needs some modifications to be fully patched and censored for public release.

In a nutshell, before completing the steps below, it is advised to briefly take a backup as well Save all system data to iCloud, or to a local copy through iTunes on your Mac. You can even save the data to another iPhone and then perform a dump, if you have that option.

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Having said that, yes now, let’s go through the step by step so you can install iOS 16.4 now on your iPhone:

  • Inside the iPhone that you want to install iOS 16.4 on, enter in this link.
  • Scroll to the section where it says “check in‘ also ‘subscription“.
  • log in beta program from Apple with your Apple ID and email associated with the service.
  • Accept the Terms of Use in the lower right corner.
  • Now click on the tabiOSIt is the first of its kind, as others refer to the beta program for other devices.
  • Tap Register your iOS device (or “Register”).
  • We’re almost done. tap on “Download Profile” button, which means you will download a small packet of signed data. Immediately after that you will be redirected to the necessary settings.
  • Install the newly downloaded file by clicking on it.
  • Now restart the device. You will only have to wait a few seconds And once the device turns on, you will know that it has been successfully paired.
  • Now, with your iPhone turned on, unlock it and follow the “Settings”>” path.generalTo check which version of iOS you have installed.
  • Now you just have to go to the “Software Update” section and search for updates. In a few seconds, you will see that there is a new version to download.
  • tap on ‘lay off’ This new update. As usual, the progress bar will indicate that it is being downloaded. Once done, it will tell you that you can install it. If not, it is because the iPhone battery is below 50% and you will have to charge it.
  • tap on ‘installand accept the Terms of Use.
  • Once confirmed, your iPhone will turn off. The Apple logo will appear on the black screen background It will start installing the package.
  • When the system restarts, you will be able to verify that iOS 16.4 is installed correctly. enjoy it.
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at Applesphere | iOS 16: Key features, how to download it, and compatible models

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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