His helicopter crashed and fell into the sea and reached the coast after swimming for 12 hours | The Amazing Journey of a Minister from Madagascar

Madagascar Minister, who was traveling with other officials by helicopter to inspect the place where a ship sank yesterdayHe survived swimming for nearly twelve hours until he reached land at dawn on Tuesday. The truth reminds us outcast story Gabriel Garcia Marquez, when I entered the ship Which was traveling to the wreck site crashed off the northeastern coast of the African island.

It’s about General Serge Gilles, who together with a colleague from the Foundation managed to gain access to land separately in the coastal city of Mahambo, “Apparently after throwing himself out of the plane”According to the President of the Ports Authority Jean-Edmond Randrianantinaina.

jelly I was traveling in the helicopter for inspection The place where a ship wrecked on Monday off the northeastern coast of the island nation, where At least 21 people were killed and 60 others were declared missing in the disasterAccording to the latest official balance announced on Tuesday.

The police and authorities have indicated this The search continues for the other helicopter occupants after the crash, the causes of which have not yet been determined.

In a video posted on social media, Jill, 57, who looks weary and is lying on the deck chair still in his uniform, He confirmed that he was cold, but that he was not hurt.

‘The time to die is not yet come’The general, who became a minister last August, was announced as part of the government’s reorganization after three decades of police service.

Another police general, Zavisambatra Ravoavi, told AFP that Gilly used one of the helicopter seats as a buoy and stressed that he had “always shown great resistance in sports, and kept it as a minister, as if he had 30 years.”

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