Hello John! 8 happy and fun practices to revitalize your emotional well-being this month

Good things should be enjoyed s “brand new”, this business that RAE defines as “taking advantage of something for the first time,” is an ephemeral experience that feels like a blank page, the dawn of something new and wonderful. Therefore, the new month should always be a celebration. We suggest you do this June 2022Which starts today a month to practice Simple habits fill you with emotional well-being. Small, easy, fun or delicious gestures bring those things to you Moments of physical or spiritual pleasure. Find time for them, because any The things that make us feel goodThey always deserve it

8 practices that will make you feel good in June

Drifting in the calendar International celebrationsby temper natureThe gastronomy The comfort and the trends to propose to you 8 ideas that will make you smile in June 2022.

1. Put a bottle of rose water in your bag: calm your skin and stress.

Rose water calms your skin and mind.Browse beauty

the flower traditionally is June flower of the month It is the main component of rose water. If you haven’t tested yetBenefits of incorporating rose water into your beauty and hygiene routineJune is the time. It’s a month of sweltering heat when our skin is riddled with sweat and impurities that can lead to acne breakouts. You can bring a bottle of rose water Put it in your bag and apply it to your face using a cotton ball or spray whenever you want to moisturize and rejuvenate. The rose is also the queen of flowers in aromatherapy. Its aroma is beneficial to the emotional balance It can help us Calm Anxiety and Stress.

2. Arrange your work table with Marie Kondo and your mind will thank you.

Arrange your work schedule and it will help your inner balance.

Arrange your work schedule and it will help your inner balance.

The new month is the perfect occasion for Arrange your work table. Did you know that external matter is born? mental arrangement? You can make use of this simple cleaning gesture. how do you do that? we follow Marie Kondo’s Ritual for Asking for a Workbench. First, imagine everything you have on the table, drawers, boxes and Get rid of what you no longer need; two, swears documents you are currently working on and those that will be archived; Three, clear the table as much as possible; Four, show a Details that bring back good memories like the photo.

3. Fitness Challenge: Flick our bike and take it everywhere.

Sport in fashion is: cycling.  He helps you and helps you on planet Earth.

Sport in fashion is: cycling. He helps you and helps you on planet earth.Zara

today June 3 celebrate day World Bicycle Day And we can’t think of a better excuse to dust off our one, tune in and take it down for a ride. ride on Cycling is an exercise that has many benefits for your bodyFor your mind and the planet. This month we’re looking at one of the lesser-known ones: “Cycling at an altitude”. Like other exercises, cycling energizes us Cardiovascular system And our production of happiness hormones Which gives you moments of well-being after its exercise. Also, do you know a feeling of luxury comparable to that of top speed wind in your face? Fabulous!

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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