Health and Medical College enhance student training in primary care

02/08/2021 – 14:09 Santiago

The The Department of Health of the Province of Santiago del Estero, And the National University College of Medical Sciences Signed to join the cooperation and educational assistance agreement between Directorate of Primary Care and the Medical Profession.

Approved by Minister of Health Lic. Natividad Nassif. This agreement has been finalized and signed by the Dean of Normalizer at FCM, Dr.. Lian Alloub Primary Health Care Manager, stave. Martha Tarchini In order to achieve supervised professional practices for subjects, within the scope of primary care units that rely on the directive of primary health care of the Ministry of Health.

The aim of these practices is that students can join the institutional sphere to develop the knowledge acquired in their university life, integrate theoretical and practical knowledge and strengthen professional skills, with cooperation in services as they fulfill their practices, in assistance and preventive measures.

The ceremony was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Cesar Monti. FCM Academic Secretary, Dr. Maria Gabriela Bacon; FCM Managing Secretary Dr. Matthias Cuesta Laudané; Head of FCM Expansion Area d. Princess Karamas Tawil. Bachelor Gonzalo Tiran, General Supervisor of the APS and Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Health, Dr. Miriam Yogo.

This law strengthens and strengthens the relationship between the Ministry and the College of Medicine in the field of human resources training. The provincial government has been a strong promoter of the idea of ​​training in this major, and the investment made has allowed us to have an excellent medical college and career in this university. Minister Natividad Nassif said, “We will continue on the same road that we walk together.” Thanks to this agreement, he stressed, “students will take their first steps in institutions where training is necessary, such as hospitals and primary care units.”

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For his part, Brigadier General Dr. Alloub stressed the importance of joint work with the Ministry, expressing his pride that “soon we will have the first trained doctors in Santiago del Estero.” “The dedication of public health to a student in Santiago del Estero is essential so that tomorrow they have the desire and motivation to stay in the province to improve public health. We value the accompaniment at this stage and the work together,” the Dean concluded.

For her part, Dr Martha Tarcini highlighted the support for UNSE’s Faculty of Medical Sciences, especially in the challenges that the pandemic was concerned with. The signing of this agreement is a continuation of the joint work that has already been implemented. FCM is essential in our moments. “

In the end, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Monti highlighted the integration and training of the physician in training at FCM “that defines the Santiago del Estero region, with its needs, geographic dispersion, and epidemiology. As a ministry, we are very proud of these first interventions that we have had in the hospital and primary care settings, ”he said.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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