Google Maps now lets you explore the interior of …

Google announced more than 100 new machine learning-based features Google Maps In 2021. And the most striking novelty is Indoor live show, A new pedestrian assist feature It uses a built in augmented reality system.

Live View does not need a GPS signal as it relies on an artificial intelligence that has scanned millions of photos Street view To find out how to determine your location and orientation.

Google Maps now combines internet connectivity, GPS and Apple’s ARKit-compatible smartphone camera or Google’s ARCore technology to display virtual directions to the destination on the screen.

By pointing the phone’s camera, an arrow tells you where to go. Icons for places of interest are also shown, such as ATMs, bathrooms, and check-in counters.

“Thanks to new developments that help us understand the exact height and location of objects inside the building, we can now provide Live View for some hard-to-navigate indoor locations such as airports, public transport stations and shopping malls.” The company said in a statement.

Google Maps indoor views are available on both Android phones and iPhones, but can only be used in the US at this time In malls in Chicago, Long Island, Los Angeles, Newark, San Francisco, San Jose and Seattle.

The company promised that in the coming months it would arrive at airports and train stations in Tokyo and Zurich.

Among the novelties, Google has also announced a merger A new weather layer for Google Maps that lets you know in advance the temperature, weather and air quality of the place you are going. So that the rain does not surprise you without an umbrella.

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Additionally, the company has evolved New steering model calculates the trajectory with minimal fuel consumption, Taking into account factors such as slopes and traffic congestion, so that users can reduce their environmental footprint.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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