Google installs air strike warning system for Android users in Ukraine

Google logo. (Photo: CyberCuba)

Google wants to contribute to Ukraine in the midst of the Russian invasion and will develop a kind of airstrike alert for Ukrainian citizens to receive on their Android phones.

Alarms consist of loudspeakers that alert residents that an air attack is approaching and that they must take cover as quickly as possible.

Alarms consist of loudspeakers that alert residents that an air attack is approaching and that they must take cover as quickly as possible. Everyone has been able to appreciate that at Well, Google wants to contribute with your help and will develop some kind of air raid alert for Ukrainian citizens to receive on their Android phones.

“Tragically, millions of people in Ukraine now rely on air strike alerts to try to get to safety. At the request and assistance of the Ukrainian government, we have begun rolling out a rapid air raid alert system for Android phones in Ukraine. This work is complementary to existing air attack alert systems in Ukraine. The country is based on alerts already provided by the Ukrainian government. Kent WalkerHead of Global Affairs at Google.

Android alert for air strikes.  (Image: Reason)
Android alert for air strikes. (Image: Reason)

XDADevelopers has announced that it has pulled the latest version of Google Play Services From version 22.06.15, a new icon has been found in English, Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​and has the name ‘Key Preference for Air Raid Warning Details” (air warning detail priority switch).

It should be noted that It will only be available in Ukraine. Google will use the user’s approximate location data to determine who and when to send alerts.

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What basically explains this code is that Google will develop an air attack alert for Android mobile phones and for now it will only be available in Ukraine. Google may use the approximate user location data to determine who and when to send alerts.

Alerts will include the following text:

The Government of Ukraine has issued an alert to [UBICACIÓN] On [HORA]. Take shelter immediately. Click to change settings.

– The Government of Ukraine has canceled the alert for [UBICACIÓN] On [HORA]. Click to change settings.

These alerts will be enabled Through Google Mobile Services, So your Android device must have Google services.

Google Mobile Services.  (Photo: Huawei Central)
Google Mobile Services. (Photo: Huawei Central)

Google also supports refugees from Ukraine in other ways

To help the growing numbers of refugees in the region, Google is also developing ways for companies to report whether or not they provide services to refugees.

from today, Owners of hotels in countries neighboring Ukraine can indicate in their business profile whether they offer free or reduced accommodation to refugees. Local companies can publish in their business profile on search and maps to provide various services and assistance to refugees from Ukraine.

Also, as part of the largest investment in Poland, the tech giant announced that You will use Google space and resources to support those affected by InvadeAnd the even using Google Campus for Startups On Warsaw As a space where NGOs Local authorities can provide legal and psychological support to refugees.

This is based on a $10 million commitment with Local organizations that help refugees arriving in Polandand in support of NGOs carrying out this critical work in Slovakia, Romania and Hungary.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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