Goodbye to Antonio del Vecchio, head of the department of neonatology who loved medicine and food: he was 63 years old

History will unite us forever. On August 28 a few years ago, on his birthday, Antonello ran from Nardo to Bari because little Kiara had decided to give birth a few weeks earlier. He, the head of the neonatal department at the Hospital de Venere, was like this: a generous person, who finds a doctor like few others, a loyal friend. Dr. Del Vecchio died yesterday, at the age of 63, of an incurable disease from which his family disappeared within a few months. (Funeral, Wed 19 May at 5:00 pm at the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli de Nardi).

I’ve always wondered how Antonello did that. I asked him once, “How do you handle everything?” To his complex hospital duties, he added for a few months the commitment of the Deputy Commissioner of the Barry Pediatric Center. Then he became president From the European Society of Hematology And infant immunity, and at the same time, the slow dining chair. Antonello founded Neretina Conduct in 1996. Food and medicine, two passions in their pursuit, continue to strive for the same thing: authenticity.

In fact, despite thousands of trips, conferences, and responsibilities, his home has always been next door to his beloved children Francesco, Nicole Lou, and wife Lucia. Originality as tomatoes and peppers, grown in Al-Messiri. And the unforgettable taste of that pizza that he kneaded in the summer and cooked in the wood oven for his friends.

Antonello studied hard and continued to do so. You have a good knowledge of many different areas, and yet (or maybe because of that), you are always interested in what other people have to say. How do I do it all? He answered once – I can only live like this. ”

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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