France: Protests against the health corridor of Covid vaccines | More than 230,000 people took to the streets

More than 230,000 people took to the streets in different cities of France to protest it Health measures to control the spread of COVID-19, like Mandatory vaccination of health workers and the Health pass (Certificate of vaccination or negative coronavirus test) To enter cafes, restaurants and long trips by bus, train or plane.

Rallies have been called In more than 150 cities in France In total, they participated About 237,000 people. The total number exceeds 204,000 people took to the streets last week. in a Paris crowd some 17,000 protesters, As stated by the Ministry of the Interior. In Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, at least on the Mediterranean coast 37,000 people demonstrated in cities such as Toulon, Nice and Marseille. Most of the rallies were peaceful, but in Lyon seven were arrested for throwing projectiles. The Interior Ministry reported that 35 detainees and seven agents sustained minor injuries.

“Macron, I don’t want your (health) passport” and “Macron, we don’t even want to see you” were some of the slogans in central Paris, at a demonstration that appeared “yellow jackets” among the participants. “The problem with the health card is that they impose it on us,” said Alexandre Forez, a 34-year-old marketing employee.

The rallies return two days after the entry into force of most of the measures. This Thursday, the Constitutional Court upheld the extension of the health permit to include more public places and the obligation to vaccinate health workers.

Starting next Monday, it will be necessary Submit a vaccination certificate, a negative PCR test, or a disease recovery certificate In order to access Cafes and restaurantsAnd Showrooms and professional fairs. School and university employees, as well as university students, must also hold this certificate Which, from September 1, will be essential for domestic flights and long-distance trains.

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Measures promoted Macron seeks to speed up vaccination campaign Until now It reached 44 million French with at least one dose (about 66 percent of the population) And as a way of putting pressure on people who are reluctant to get immunized against COVID-19. According to health authorities, the country is already registering More than 120,000 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic. The past 24 hours witnessed 32 deaths and more than 25,000 injuries. According to the Covid Tracker, France is currently recording An average of 146 daily admissions to intensive city units.

Freddie Dawson

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