Four people were delayed due to practicing medicine illegally

  • Four people were arrested on charges of illegally practicing medicine.
  • It happened on Saturday afternoon in a sector of the 8 de Marzo neighborhood in Alto Comero.
  • A car, ophthalmology materials and money were confiscated.

Members of the Fraud and Fraud Division of the Investigations Directorate carried out major investigative work during the day last Saturday They arrested four men, practicing ophthalmology illegally In a sector of the Alto Comero neighborhood.

In addition, ophthalmology tools, a large sum of money, and a car were seized.

It can also be established, After complaining Which was implemented in the aforementioned unit a few days ago, and summary measures were taken before The crime of “practicing the medical profession by participating in authorship illegally” The complainant stated this The ophthalmology service was announced on social media in the 8 de Marzo neighborhood of Alto Comero, Which will not be licensed by the competent authorities to exercise this feature.


The money is in possession of the four delays.

In this sense, the unit's investigators began investigation tasks corresponding to the case, where they were able to effectively verify the illegality of the said office, and identify the accused when they served the public in the area.

In this context and with sufficient evidence, it is so Several boxes containing eyeglass frames, an ophthalmology device, a list of patients treated, an approximate amount of 280,000 pesos, and a Renault Logan car were confiscated.

also A man from Buenos Aires province and three men of Venezuelan nationality were arrestedWhich was left at the disposal of justice.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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