Experts see Anthony Blinken’s visit as strengthening trade relations between Ecuador and the United States

Visit United States Secretary of StateAnd Anthony Blink, can speed up negotiations for a trade agreement between Ecuador And this country, he says CEO of the Ecuadorean Business Commission, Felipe Ribadenera. The idea is that flash, After this trip, he carried the message that Ecuador Want more products in American Territory.

“It will be important on this occasion the possibility of having A meeting between the two presidents Because that will also help further in achieving your agenda goals Ecuador On the diplomatic and commercial level with United State“, claimed ribadenera.

With the improvement of relations between Ecuador and the United States In recent years, non-oil exports to that country have increased. From January to August of this year they added more than 2500 million dollars, Sustainable mainly through products such as Shrimp with 850 million bananas, 355 million bananas and 260 million flowers exported.

In fact, the guild representative believes that the goal of United State is to put more dollars in the countries of the region including Ecuador.

“This type of payment is intended to improve the infrastructure of Latin America, in this case Ecuador“he added ribadenera.

But there is another major factor in the relationship with United State Which is not only related to trade but also Financial support from multilateral organizations.

“The United State She is the main contributor to The World Bank and the International Monetary FundYou can direct some support and cooperation from United State“It is to explain Mauricio GandaraAnd Former world ambassador.

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at present, Ecuador and the United States keep a trade agreement The first stage that still does not bring benefits for exporting products to enter that country.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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