Even cuts to public works won't stop it: The medical simulation center will be ready in August

Even cuts to public works won't stop that. Construction of the Graduate School of Medicine's Medical Practice Simulation Center is progressing well in time It may be completed next August. The project promises to improve the quality of training courses for future doctors who will graduate from the National University of Mar del Plata (Unmdp).

As advanced 0223 In September last year when the first renderings of the ambitious work being carried out on the property were announced September 20 and Itozaingo Requires investment $370 million.

Adrian Alasino, The director of the Higher School of Medicine assured this outlet that the works are progressing at a good pace, and that “if things go well in August, they will be finished.”

The simulation center is located on September 20, Ituzingo.

The center will contain spaces simulating intensive care, obstetrics and neonates, general recovery rooms and fully equipped operating rooms.

In the midst of the funding cuts implemented by the Javier Miley-led government in the field of education and public works, the academic leader expressed his appreciation that the Medical Practice Simulation Center continues its path.

“It has not been boycotted because it has its own budget. It is an incredible effort because our university is organized into its budget, it is organized “It is a miracle that the work was completed this year.”claimed.

The work of the medical school requires an investment of $370 million. Image: 0223.

Once opened, Unmdp students will be able to do internships in places where… It simulates intensive care, maternity, neonatology, general hospitalization and fully equipped operating rooms. Thus, the Faculty of Medicine will allow its students to carry out practices in Giselle's camera, recordings and “the possibility of following the procedures in real time.”

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“The simulation center is the final touch to the practices. It is completely real. It will be a luxury,” said Alacino, who stressed that it will be the only one of its kind in the Buenos Aires province. And a lot of country.

In addition to the Medical Practice Simulation Center, the complex will be used for the operation of the University Health Service and a space to conduct internal training for residents associated with the National Institute of Epidemiology (INE) “Dr. Juan H. Jara”, within the framework of the Cectes project (Educational, Scientific and Technological Complex in Epidemiology and Health Unmdp /Anlis ).

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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