Ergonomics, work science harmoniously

the Work environment It is a scientific discipline that seeks coordination subordinate Humansmachines and the environment. Its goal is to achieve physical and mental well-being employees With your tools in your workspace.

In an interview with Indigo Report, Anna Kucinin, boss HR From Sanofi Mexico, explains that the concept has evolved from factories to offices.

“Very traditional, we think about it industrial facilities Where there is as little noise as possible and the light and machinery are adjusted. Of course, it has evolved a lot and the ergonomics is no less important for everyone even if we work in an office, ”says the specialist.

While ergonomics revolve around designing a file Workspace For employees’ tools, tasks, and needs, it’s also about adapting what you already have. An example of this is what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic, when working from home was adapted.

“In industrial facilities there are risks in the manufacturing process, but in Desk Also with our back, our neck. In the end we take care of everyone’s well-being through the work environment and we must take into account the kind of work that each person does”, highlights the expert.

It should include temperature, light, noise, body position, desk, chair and computer comfort and the Safety.

‘Companies have a chance and responsible Very great also by supporting employee well-being with various initiatives in the work environment. The employees highly appreciate actions of this nature,” he says.

“At the beginning of 2019, we launched the flexibility of working remotely, always paying attention to recommendations regarding the work environment. It is an important part of our human capital strategy.”

Anna Kucinin

HR Manager at Sanofi México

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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