Elon Musk claims there is a “100% chance” of extinction unless humans settle on other planets

For several years the South African businessman Elon Musk He was talking about the need for the human race to become a “multi-planetary”. From his company, SpaceX, he started working on it to make the colonization of Mars possible in the not-too-distant future. The billionaire has now asserted that there is a “100% chance of extinction of all species”.

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Musk’s message came in response to a tweet commenting on the possibility of a mass extinction. “The history of life on Earth is characterized by five mass extinction events of biodiversity caused by extreme natural phenomena. Today, many experts warn of the sixth mass extinction that is occurring and this time due to human activities,” this user wrote about the research conducted by biologists from the University of Hawaii and the Natural History Museum in Paris and published in the journal. Biological Reviews.

In this regard, the businessman replied: “There is a 100% chance of the extinction of all species due to the expansion of the Sun, unless mankind becomes multi-planetary.” This isn’t the first time the world’s richest man has mentioned this possibility. Even recently, in an interview with Time, he asserted that his goal is for humanity to become a “space civilization.”

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Starship Project

Although it sounds like stories out of a science fiction book, Musk has been working on colonizing the Red Planet for quite some time. His project is groundbreaking Starship, a rocket designed by SpaceX that will be responsible for traveling to Mars. The billionaire’s idea is to reduce the cost of this trip to make it easier to access and create a self-sufficient city on the planet.

“The spacecraft is the most complex and advanced rocket ever,” he said. “We don’t want to carry Mars with flags and footprints and not go back for another half century like we did with the moon. We need multi-planet types.” . In turn, during his participation in Lex Friedman’s podcast, Musk made it clear that this journey could take place, at best, in five years.

The spacecraft could take humans to Mars within 5 to 10 years.

Today, male It would cost $1 billion to travel to Mars, so it’s currently useless. His idea is to be able to create a low-cost ship that can carry all the materials vital to creating a city there. In addition, he plans to carry different animals in what he calls “Noah’s Ark of the future”.

While Musk noted that the project needed a “step toward gas,” the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) cooled the project. Last December, I decided to postpone the decision until February 2022 on whether or not to approve a license for the Starship to conduct orbital flights at Boca Chica, Texas.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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