Elections in Ecuador: Alberto Fernandez asked for the presidency …

The Institutional Crisis in Ecuador Does not stop. After the anti-government agreement between the candidates Guillermo Laso and Yaco Perez (second and third in the last elections in a row) and the Organization of American States (OAS) to count the votes in only 17 provinces, The Guayaquil banker has now decided to reverse this strange alliance. Against this background, the nation’s president, Alberto Fernandez, Demand to ensure voting without outside interference.

He did so on Twitter, commenting that institutionalization “should be a priority for all democratic governments” in Latin America. “Let us ensure that the people decide without outside interference of any kind,” the Argentine president said.

“The only protagonist on the ballot in Ecuador has to be the Ecuadorian people,” he continued.

After Fernandez was posted, the South American nation’s most voted candidate, Andres Arause, shared the Argentine president’s words on his Twitter account.

In theory, the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador declared this 100 percent of the vote will be counted in Guayas and 50 percent in 16 provinces, Without declaring what they will be, or for any reasons. Thus, when the country comes close to knowing the final result of the poll, with 99.65 per cent of the vote counted, the counting process will begin, for which the estimated time has not yet been announced. Lasso’s retreat leaves the National Electoral Council’s decision on standby, which decided to conduct a review with the support of the Organization of American States, the main body in the coup in Bolivia. For its part, the second round is scheduled to take place on April 11th.

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Freddie Dawson

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