Ecuador, a historical platform in South America

The trademark has not been registered before in any of the previous 51 editions of South American Athletics ChampionshipsBut today came. Ecuador Closed on Monday, May 31, in third place General table and medal points From the tournament that was hosted in Guayaquil After adding 16 medalsDivided into 3 gold, 5 silver, and 8 bronze medals.

The national delegation consisting of 65 athletes Achieve Overall score 162 Units, are only exceeded at the end of the 3 days of competition Brazil, The undisputed championship leader with 470 points (26 golds) while Colombia It came in second place with a score of 275 (8).

On the last day the harvest was tricolor 5 metals: gold, silver, and 3 bronze That closed one Historical participation The second time that the country receives a championship of this kind.

Andy Preciado The trichromatic maximum exponent on the last day was at command Deca Add 8004 points. The athlete made a huge difference in all the tests he participated in, including the 100, 400 and 1500 meters; As well as 110 meters with barriers. The long, high jump and pole. Discus and javelin bullet drive, surpassing even Brazilian competitors like Felipe dos Santos (Silver) and Venezuelan Gerson Isaguer (paying off).

Already in 200 meters are flatThe platform had an Ecuadorian presence in both men and women. at first, Marizole Landazuri The timing of 23 seconds and 35 hundredths, however, wasn’t enough to do with Minimum mark 22.80,000 The seconds needed to get to Olympic Games; While in males Anderson Marquinis It ranked third with 20.63.

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“I’m happy, this is my second 200m this year. I still have time. Even though I’m through the ranking positions I’m inside the Olympics, I want to label with the brand; Landazuri, who plans to travel this Tuesday, said June 1 to United State To continue trying to score you can still do until June 29, which is when the rating will close.

Finally in Women’s 4×100 relays Marizol appeared again when he was part of the team together Nicole Caicedo, Liseth Chilambo, and Narcissa Quintero, With whom he scored 45.66 to win a bronze medal. While the men of Ecuador, in 4×400 comfortAnother, sealed the tournament with third place.

These victories were added to those I achieved a few days ago Andres Chuchu and Glinda Morikhon In the 20.00 meters walk, Which was rated to Tokyo gave the highest other differences in the country.

“It was a successful tournament. Once again, Ecuador is in the retina, not only because of its organization, but also because it is among the top three on the continent. That’s very good.” Manuel Bravo, President of the Ecuadorian Athletics Federation.

Amber Cross

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