Earn $200 per month watching Netflix and reveal how to do it

How to earn extra money? In times of economic crisis, more and more people are looking to add income to make ends meet. and a Excellent work in Netflix The virus has spread, and for good reason.

One activity has gained notoriety revolving around the “Netflix tagger,” with many online describing it as potentially “dream job”.

How do you make money as a bookmark on Netflix?

The mission of the Netflix tag software is neither more nor less, Watch series and movies on the platformand then Gender classification and other descriptions So that those who enter can find the desired content more easily.

Netflix, streaming service and unknown functionality.

Many are turning to social media sites like Twitter and TikTok to find out how you can get a role like this and Rachel, 28 years oldone of them was.

Rachel estimates she won $200 per month Being a brand of netflix and It takes more than six months Fulfill his “changa”.

The woman is a digital marketing specialist from Leeds, UK, and discovered this job while surfing the internet last year.

At the time, money was a bit tight, so he was immediately interested.

How did he get a job at Netflix

“Do I get paid to watch Netflix?” I am in! He was forthright when he said it at the time money mirror.

The tagger function goes further and requires good writing. Illustrative image

After doing some research on the mission, the 28-year-old discovered that there was actually a bit more to it than what was being shared on social media.

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“When I looked at how to do that, you usually have to wait for openings on the Netflix website,” he began his story.

“I kept checking her race page regularly for a few weeks until I applied for a place,” continues the Briton.

She mused aloud, “I’m sure there are quite a few applicants, but they must have liked me.” Experience in content writing and digital marketing“.

The job includes writing a synopsis for upcoming series and movies to be released.

After applying for the job, Rachel had to do Video interviewas well as completing some written assignments and tests before finally being offered the job woman.

“It’s not a job for everyone.”

Rachel explained that most of her work is not just tagging types of shows, but in general Write a synopsis of upcoming series and movies that will be released.

“Since I’ve been writing content for a few years at my main job, it’s easy, but Not everyone’s job“, sentence.

“You need to know how to write succinctly. I think the best part is that it’s unusual and cool, but it’s very hard to come by,” he adds knowingly.

The Netflix logo is on top of their office building in Hollywood, California. Photo: AFP

Despite the advantages, he doesn’t consider it a “long-haul” plan because it is “incredibly competitive” And sometimes there isn’t much to do.

“It would be great to write for him TV or film publicationsthough it’s a side business in the future,” he states and warns that you should take into account that there may be tax implications if you make a lot of money outside of your job.

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Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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