Do you want to study in Canada for free? Participate in the call to win a one-month round trip – El Financiero

How about a month-long trip to Canada to learn English, in addition to all the basics? Completely free international travel? Well, a call was recently launched where you can apply as a Mexican.

Laudex, a company that offers educational credits, has shared a job opening that you can apply for on video so that you can go to Canada for at least four weeks with the aim of… Continue your academic training And learn English with specialists.

The package includes a round trip flight, a month of course, a month of accommodation and free immigration advice, so in addition to learning English, this experience can help you… Resolve your doubts when leaving the country.

The call started on April 16 and It ends next May 16To participate, simply create a creative video explaining why you want the opportunity to study in Canada.

Study English in Canada: These are the foundations of the invitation

The opportunity to study English in Canada applies Only for persons of Mexican nationalityThe steps that must be followed are:

  • Upload a reel video to Instagram, Facebook or TikTok Explain your reasons for wanting to study in Canada.
  • In the aforementioned video You must mark LaudexConecta Canada, Vanmites, and Avanza Canadian Immigration Consulting, as well as using the hashtag #RumboaCanadaconLudex.
  • Company It does not specify how long the video should be; However, it indicates that in addition to the number of likes, it will choose the video with the most views, without counting likes, comments or shares.
  • Once the video is uploaded, you should Register it in the form at this linkwhere you will also write your contact information, As well as the user on the social networks in which you participate.
  • To participate in the competition Your video must get at least 200 viewsAlthough you can post it on different social networks, the network with the highest number of views on any of them will be considered as a reference. That is, if your video has 500 views on Instagram and 2,500 views on Tiktok, only 2,500 views from the last social network will be counted.
  • The recommendation is that Upload your video as soon as possibleAs it will not take long after the call closes to announce the winner of the month-long trip to Canada.
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Study in Canada: When will you be able to use your free month of English?

The first thing you should know is that the prize consists of the delivery of a round-trip airline ticket between Mexico and Canada worth 15 thousand pesos can only be used for educational purposesAccording to Laodex.

The ticket is valid for one year You have until April 16, 2025 to do so In case you win.

he English language course offered by SELC Collegean institution that will offer a one-month course according to the schedule you have set for your trip.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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