Dictator Nicolas Maduro said the Vatican’s letter asking for dialogue in Venezuela was “full of poison”

Nicolas Maduro (Reuters/Manor Quintero/File Photo)

Venezuelan dictator Nicolas MaduroAsk this Wednesday Interpretations by the Vatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, On The letter he sent to the country’s main employer, Fedecámarasand that, according to the governor, he was loaded with “Dislikes“.

Explain to us, Pietro Parolin, what should you do, what should you do, as an advisor to the Vatican, in Venezuela? Sending a message filled with poison, hatred, conspiracy, ridicule and attacksMaduro said during a law referring to the celebration of the annual gathering of the Fedecámaras where a letter sent by the cardinal was read.

The auxiliary bishop of Caracas read the letter Maduro criticized, Ricardo BarrettoAt the same time Parolin asked to promote dialogue in the country.

The text stated thatIt is important that civil society also be a champion in resolving the current crisisThis one lives in Venezuela.

her solution”It will only happen if Venezuelans, especially those with some kind of political responsibility, are willing to sit down and negotiate in a serious way.Parolin considers the letter.

Pietro Parolin (Reuters / Edgard Garrido / Archive)
Pietro Parolin (Reuters / Edgard Garrido / Archive)

To reach agreements that open the door to solutions, Parolin asserted that “Political will on the part of the participantsas well as the availabilityTo put the public interest above private interests and the responsible support of civil society and the international community والمجتمع“.

Finally, in the letter read by Pareto, the Vatican’s Secretary of State asserted that if negotiations were to succeed, “great generosity and patience would be necessary.”

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For Maduro, this letter is “a strange thing” and after he asked Parolin for an explanation, he doubted he had written it..

“I don’t know he sent it, they say he sent a letter. I just wonder, I don’t think, Prieto Parolin has a lot of work in Rome (…) I don’t think he wrote it, really,” he said.

Commissioner He also excluded the assistant bishop of Caracas He said he was the only “offender” in the Fedecámaras assembly who, despite their perceived differences with the regime, chose to invite the vice-president, Delcy Rodríguez, to the event.

(With information from EFE)

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