Cristina Kirchner receives Ernesto Samper, former President of Colombia | Summit in the Senate

Cristina Kirchner received, on Tuesday, the former Colombian President and former Secretary-General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), Ernesto Samper. The summit was held in the vice president’s office in the National Senate.

The former Colombian president is in Buenos Aires, in the framework XXXV Latin American and Caribbean Coordinators Meeting, Argentina holds the interim presidency, and international symposium Latin America and the Caribbean, The Future of Integration: Unity in Diversitywhich will take place next Thursday at CCKAnd the With personalities and leaders of the region.

Samper headed the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) for two and a half years, until he left that position on January 31, 2017, during an extraordinary meeting held in Quito, Ecuador. Leave the place vacant.

He was the fourth Secretary-General of the group, which was created at the end of 2004, and his main activity was cooperation in peace agreements in his country, dialogue between the government and the opposition in Venezuela, and support for electoral processes. in the region.

Departing Unasur, Samper suggested there should be “collective solidarity” in the face of the immigration policies of Donald Trump, who had just taken office in the US, and called the president’s proposed wall a “shameful”.

During the recent period Fifth pueblo group meetingA, Samper gave a lecture on the political situation in Latin America, urging the region’s leaders to “do something different,” and that a progressive voice was needed “on the continent. He also argued that”No place for more Bolsonaros in the area“.

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Unasur today

Between 2018 and 2019, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay – Half of the member states – Leave Unasor With the arrival of neoliberal presidents to those countries.

In fact, in 2019, with the aim of replacing Unasur, the presidents of 8 South American countries created South American Progress Forum (Prosor).

Currently, Unasur members are only Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and VenezuelaWhile Peru maintains its outstanding engagement.

Called the first apex prosor South American Presidents Meetingon March 22, 2019 in Santiago de Chile, where 11 South American countries confirmed their attendance as of March 14: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guyana, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru (Bolivia, Suriname and Uruguay participated as observers).

On April 3, 2022, the President of Chile, Gabriel Borek declared that his The country suspended its participation in the coalition.

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