Conicet launched a virtual platform to meet “notables of science” in Argentina – Diario El Ciudadano y la Región

In a highly emotional hypothetical event, Conicet, the Leloir Institute (FIL), and the Institute of Biology and Experimental Medicine (Ibyme) launched the “Notables de la Ciencia” platform that collects and shows the paths of two Nobel Prize winners in the life sciences who have developed all of their work in Argentina: Bernardo A. . Hosay (1947, Medicine) and Louis F. Lillouire (1970, Chemistry).

Also from Eugenia Sacerdote de Lustig, one of the foremost researchers in the history of science in our country, the key to polio vaccination and the leader of important findings in genetics, cancer, virology, neurosciences and other fields.

The launch suggests these three, who have been part of Conicet, but the idea is to continue adding more prominent figures in the national sciences that belong to other fields of knowledge.

The project aims to highlight the importance of the life, work, and legacy of Houssay, Leloir, and the Priest of Lustig of Argentine Science and their impact on science internationally in order to inspire current and future generations and act as a context.

Difficulties being a woman in science

Anna Franchi, President of Conicet, said: “Through this initiative we want to acknowledge the valuable contribution that scientists and scientists have made to Argentina for science. Every generation that begins an activity believes that it is the first and the founder, and has every right to think about it, but it is important that you know which generations Get close to knowing that there are pioneers and pioneers.

In addition to these three actors that we present, there are many who we will work to integrate with federal and gender norms. “

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On Lustig, she added: “To all the difficulties researchers face are the difficulties of being a woman. Lustig told me that he rode his bike at home so that he could breastfeed his three children. “I would like to stress that in addition to all the difficulties that researchers have faced and faced, in the case of Lustig, we have to add the difficulties they encountered to his gender.”

Próceres and Founders of Argentine Science

On the part of IByME, its director, Victoria Lux highlighted the following: “People of my generation have had the invaluable privilege of hearing about Don Bernardo directly from the people who knew him and those who worked with him. For future generations of scientists and Argentines in general, it is imperative that you have a website. Free access where you can easily find certified and legitimate information about the heroes and founders of our science, to feed them, as we did, well, they will no longer have direct testimonials. “

“This initiative focusing on our great scientists is very important for society in general and students in particular to learn about the symbolic history of Argentinian science and its legacy through various resources. Very valuable. He left us,” said Angelis Zorigueta, Director of the Liloire Institute Foundation.

When Lustig was honored, his student Elisa Pal de Ker Jove asserted: “One of the most striking features of his professional life is his constant work of training researchers. Wrong, in due time we can accomplish both tasks. I consider this to be a deeply deserved appreciation not only for an outstanding scientist but also for an exceptional human being. “

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The history of science in the digital key

The platform is designed so that adults and young people can enjoy a journey through the path of eminent personalities of science through audio-visual materials; Audio recordings of interviews with students, researchers and close friends; Pictures of the main characters, their lab notebooks, correspondence, clips from their lives, prizes, and other things; Infographics. Texts. Newspaper clippings, science production, podcasts, and other tools.

Ingrid Lucero Parada, of Conicet’s Institutional Relations Directorate, highlighted: “We are facing a science public communication project that is directly linked to the history of science in our country. This means the challenge of creating creative and innovative narratives about these great notables, and playing with the different digital formats available. “.

A million hits repository

All materials collected by the respective institutions are digitized and integrated into the Conicet digital repository to organize, preserve, and make public through a tour inviting different departments.

Lorena Carlino, Repository Coordinator, expressed: “All the material in the flagship science site is also in the Conicet repository, and in this way, every book, image, video, and audio can be seen amplified as they become indexed by Internet search engines in a way. More flexible due to the way it is loaded and because the repository, as of today, already has over a million visits per month.In addition, each item will be “formatted” one by one to protect its descriptive quality, thus web indexers place it among the first results of searches that On the other hand, they are made to be harvested by other systems and therefore they are available outside any borders. “

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Hosai and Liwar: An Unbreakable Bond

The Objects of Knowledge project is designed as a virtual space that brings together and embraces in the long term the legacy and inspiring stories of researchers who represent a key to the historical, scientific and cultural identity of the country.

It indicates the restoration of the mentor / mentor personality among the youth, which was clearly and fully expressed between Hosai and Liuar, as well as between the priest of Lustig and his disciples. Monica Beatrice Perez, director of the Liloire Foundation’s Cardini Library, said: “The Liloire section allows us to provide rich documentary material on Liloir, largely unpublished and archive, that together span more than seven decades. This, in addition, gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate their character. It provides an inspiring context, especially for young people. ”

Gabriela Dessler, from the Bernardo Hosai Library, affirmed that “to solve the challenges that our society faces, it is necessary to develop its scientific culture. Sacerdote, Houssay and Leloir have proven that doing good science in Argentina is possible, as their legacy continues in our institutions.”

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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